Monthly Archives: February 2017

Pricing of Outfits

Most of the time when clients walk into the shop, they are either undecided on what they want or they already know what they want. Sometimes some clients come with own fabrics and sometimes they prefer choosing what is in the shop. Once a client identifies what they need, a quote is to be provided to ensure the work is done. This is where the deal breaker comes in, either the client will choose to pay or walk away and go to the next shop to have her outfit made.
The following factors are considered when pricing an outfit:-
Design:- One has to look at the details of the design, is it easy to execute when it comes to simplicity of the design? This is where the manpower comes to play. One has to consider the man hours that one has to utilize to ensure the design comes out as needed. The simpler the design the cheaper the cost. There are designs that will need more accessories to make the design perfect eg Zips, Buttons, Lining, Horse hair braid, over lock, embroidery, interface, shoulder pads among others. The more the accessories the more expensive the outfit becomes and the other way round.
Fabrics:- Clients who come with their fabrics get a standard cost which is way cheaper than purchasing the fabrics from the shop. When one buys the fabric from the shop the costs is different since it is based on the type of fabric you are looking for. We have different fabrics that have different prices at fabric shops. For example 6 yards kitenge fabric cost ranges from 1000/= (low quality) up to 8000/= and above (high quality), Denim/jeans Fabric is relatively expensive, Cotton fabric pricing also varies depending with where you buy. Once these costs are determined depending with the meters required for the outfit, labor cost is included then a cost is arrived at. For example you need an Ankara long dress if you are a size 12 you will use up-to 4 yards of the fabric and depending with the design a six yards of the fabric will be used to get the pattern required. So if the fabric is 2500/= a labor cost which is usually standard depending with different designers it tends to go up.
Man hour:- At the end of the day the team that works on the outfit has to paid, sometimes depending with the design houses, they are those that are paid as salary at the end of the month. This is very common with established fashion houses that have a huge clientele. Majority of upcoming fashion houses that forms the largest percentage of the Kenyan market, rely on tailors who are paid on commission, either at the end of the day, week or a project. Negotiations solely lies with the owner of the business. This is a factor that is put into consideration when pricing a product.
Utilities and bills:- Utilities and bills have to be paid by the owner of the business e.g Rent, machines repairs and servicing, electricity, airtime and shop assistants. These are factors that can not be ignored when coming up with prices for different outfits. You will notice that this comes to play especially when it comes to location of the business. Tailor shop based in the neighborhood or market place will be way cheaper than one in the Central Business District and up market areas since the operations costs have to be factored in.
Profit:- The reason why a fashion house is open of course if to make profit hence factored in once all the above have been removed from the equation. Business owners have a formula of calculating the costs to arrive at a standard cost that they use to market a certain product they have developed.
Happy shopping and hope to see you at our shop and please remember the above pointers when negotiating for a cost!!!!
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